Hello and welcome, I'm Nicole. I'm a qualified BACP registered therapeutic counsellor working with adults. I set up my own private practice in 2023, but before then, I worked with a variety of organisations supporting people with

various problems from anxiety, to relationship issues and making big life decisions.

I have a special interest in anxiety. I believe that recognition and understanding are the building blocks to overcoming anxious feelings. I use psycho-education to relay techniques that can be used to ease physical symptoms. The other side of that is to

figure out the root cause of your anxiety.

I offer face to face counselling in Wokingham and online where I provide a genuine, caring, non-judgemental, safe space to be heard, gain new perspectives, and enhance self-awareness.


People come to me for help a wide range of issues. Here are a few of the more common difficulties that can be supported through counselling:

Bereavement & Loss

Confidence & Low self-esteem



Panic Attacks

Social Anxiety

LGBTQ issues


Work related problems

Depression & low moods



Family issues

Intimacy Issues


Ongoing Therapy

£50 - 50mins Online

£55 - 50mins Face to face

I work in an integrative way. This type of therapy works on the fact that every single one of us is unique and therefore, i work in a way that best suits you and your needs by combining different therapies and theories.

My aim is to create a trusting, non-judgemental relationship with you so that you feel safe sharing whatever it is that has brought you to therapy.

Single Session Therapy

£75 - 90mins

One session of talking it out might be all you need, and that's OK! Perhaps you need to talk through a decision you’re struggling to make and would benefit from talking to someone impartial, in a therapeutic, non-judgmental environment.

Single session therapy is also an effective way to access therapy without the commitment.

About Counselling

Counselling offers a non judgmental and supportive space for you to be heard and seen.

Sometimes, life can be hard! As humans we all go through times in life that can be really difficult to manage and navigate. This can feel overwhelming, cause you anxiety or maybe you feel lost and you’re unsure what your next steps look like.

Perhaps it's too difficult to talk to the people around you or you need a different perspective. As your counsellor, I’m not here to judge or criticise, but to try and understand things from your point of view.

I offer you the chance to examine your choices and find your own way to make positive changes. Talking through your thoughts and feelings whilst in a safe space can be a powerful experience.

Whilst counselling sometimes isn’t a quick fix and can be difficult at times, it offers the opportunity for change and growth.

"The curious paradox is when I accept myself just as I am; then I can change."

Carl Rogers

How I Work

I work in an integrative way. This type of therapy works on the fact that every single one of us is unique and therefore, I work in a way that best suits you and your needs by combining different theories and approaches. Here are the main theories I work with and how they can help.

Person-Centred Approach

Developed in the 1950s from the work of American psychologist Carl Rogers, person-centred counselling works by creating an open, safe and non judgemental space to talk. This approach gives you control over what you discuss in therapy. Many people are attracted to the informal, compassionate nature of this warm and relational counselling approach.

Advantages of the person-centred approach:

• Person-centred therapy focuses on the here and now and encourages you to think about what's currently going on emotionally and psychologically.

• The person-centred approach trusts in your capacity for self-development and self-fulfilment.

• The person-centred approach encourages self-awareness, authenticity, honesty.

"We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know."

Carl Rogers

Psychodynamic Approach

Your past experiences, relationships and childhood all help to create the person you are today. Psychodynamic therapy explores the connection between these past experiences and your current mindset. This approach also works to help you to understand unconscious motivations that might be influencing how you think/feel and therefore act.

Advantages of psychodynamic therapy:

  • Able to recognise and identify patterns of behaviour
  • Begin to understand your emotions and motivations for doing things
  • Improve relationships with others by gained self awareness

“The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water.”

Sigmund Freud


Psychoeducation aims to provide you with information relevant to what it is you’re bringing to therapy. This could be by sharing a worksheet that explains anxiety and it’s symptoms, or pointing you to resources that might be useful for you to know about.

Advantages of psychoeducation:

  • Psychoeducation increases self-awareness
  • Psychoeducation can help give you a sense of control through knowledge and understanding
  • Insight gives you a stronger sense of control through a greater understanding of what you're experiencing

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an integrative approach effective?

For most people, yes. Progress in integrative counselling results from the unique relationship that develops between us, which, over time, is built on trust. As your therapist, I offer you a safe, non-judgmental, compassionate space to be heard.

Where will counselling take place?

I offer counselling both face to face and online. For face to face counselling sessions I have a counselling room in the centre of Wokingham, Berkshire. When working online is the preferred method, I use Google Meet.

How do online sessions work?

Ensure you have a private space in a bedroom, home office, or any quiet area without being disturbed or heard. If you live with others, make sure family members don't disturb you. Please don't worry about clutter or messy surroundings; we will only focus on you and your emotional needs. You'll need a laptop or desktop computer with a video camera and an in-built microphone if it's a video session. Using earphones plugged into the laptop helps maintain privacy and improves sound. Be comfortable! Find a comfortable position with a cup of tea or essential oils to create a soothing environment for yourself during our session.


With online video and telephone counselling, you can choose the best time and place for you. Whether at home or travelling, you only need an internet connection to access our sessions from your laptop, tablet, or phone.


Confidentiality is essential, and my online video and telephone sessions ensure a safe and secure environment for you to share your thoughts and feelings openly.

Relaxing environment

Online video and telephone therapy allow you to engage in counselling from the familiar setting of your home, which helps to promote a sense of comfort, relaxation and openness.

Versatile Options

Versatility allows you to choose the method that suits you best. Video calls provide a face-to-face experience that resembles in-person sessions, or telephone counselling offers a more private session if you’re feeling particularly vulnerable or have an unstable internet connection, enabling you to engage in therapy more comfortably.

What are your fees?
  • 20-minute FREE consultation
  • 50 minute online session £50
  • 50 minute face to face session £55
  • 90 minute single session therapy £75
How long will counselling take?

In short - it depends! It depends on whether you have something brief you need to discuss or if it's more deep-rooted and complex. Other factors that might determine how long you have sessions are your commitment to the therapy, the work you do outside of counselling, how open and honest you are in sessions and whether other areas to work on are identified during the process. Ultimately, you are never tied in to having more sessions than you would like. Like pieces of a puzzle, you can connect pieces together and then come back to the rest another time.

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the services I offer, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling and how I can help you.

You can also call me on 07492770025 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

© Nicole Flanagan

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